Search Results: blueprint

Art lessons are misused for purposes other than creation.

Art lessons are misused for purposes other than creation.

Art educators in Israel and the USA are required to use some time for matters external to art-making. Why and how is this happening? I will elaborate on this phenomenon in both locations. An art teacher in Israel is expected to relate to Religious holidays. 

What Material Am I Now?  A Phenomenological Tool

What Material Am I Now? A Phenomenological Tool

“What material am I now?” is a valuable question and tool that I often practice with students, therapists, supervisees, and clients in our first session. It is based on an intuitive choice of material or object which, only later, through the process, will reveal its 

How do we encourage engagement in the studio?

How do we encourage engagement in the studio?

Using materials accurately creates opportunities and mental and emotional space for a genuine creation process for each child. This means you need not put too much on table centers – only the minimum required. Less is more. But, for the most part, teachers are afraid 

Heidi’s Horse

Heidi’s Horse

An excellent video by Sheila Graber that surfaces a transparent artistic process of a child from scribblings to drawing at 16. We have a universal developmental map researched by Rhoda Kellogg, Viktor Lawenfeld, Malka Hass, and Sylvia Fien. Fein was the one who noticed that 

Table centers – less is more

Table centers – less is more

I want to relate to table centers from my faraway perspective, Israel, and how we do it here when you have 35 kids going in and out every 45 minutes. I manage an 8K Hebrew study group, “Studio Visits,” for educators and art therapists interested 

How does one assess a butterfly?

How does one assess a butterfly?

What is my real task as an art educator? I teach a child to be more and more themselves. I grant permission and encourage independence of thought, style, pace, process, and collaborations. I understand my task as an assistant to human beings as they experience 

Why do kindergarten children stop scribbling?

Why do kindergarten children stop scribbling?

In many kindergartens in Israel, there is typical disturbing behavior of children. They stop drawing and scribbling, and if they do, they become frustrated and say their drawings are ugly. In these kindergartens, coloring pages are given by the adults, parents, that sometimes draw an 

What is the right timing for suggestions in an art studio?

What is the right timing for suggestions in an art studio?

How, when, and what is the right time to suggest a technique or anything else to your students? Suggestions for a student can be fruitful but also intervention and even an impingement. How do we navigate this everyday process?  I will share my thoughts in 

The nest

The nest

“Would a bird build its nest if it did not have its instinct for confidence in the world?”  Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space   What is your studio? Is it a nest? A drawer?  What would you like it to be?   The studio is 

Noam and Ibrahim

Noam and Ibrahim

The Creator’s Spiritual Blueprint The spiritual blueprint of the creator derives from the universal archetypes we have inherited from our ancestors. The term “blueprint” encompasses the essence of any creator’s actions, visualizations, thoughts, and feelings that are conveyed physically in the making of art. My