What is the Good Enough Studio?

What is the Good Enough Studio?

The Good Enough Studio is a library blog and a FB study group, and for all who are using a studio: artists, art educators, and art therapists. The studio is perceived as an extension of the artist, educator, and art therapist. It is my best 

Therapeutic and Spiritual Significance of Plasticine

Therapeutic and Spiritual Significance of Plasticine

A  new understanding of plasticine While working on this video for the last few months, there is a war with Hamas and Hizbullah from Lebanon – and Israeli citizens are still not back in their homes. The cruel and tragic attack on Israeli civilians on 

Joiners – Dividers in art therapy – workshop in Tokyo, 2024

Joiners – Dividers in art therapy – workshop in Tokyo, 2024

Joiners, Dividers, and Measuring Tools are a category in my studio. They are metaphors that characterize relationships. They all own a context and a common denominator for the relationship they create: they separate or merge, foster a connection between, or isolate things. By utilizing them, 

Art Therapists Speak Materials

Art Therapists Speak Materials

This week in Israel, art therapists held a conference dedicated to materials.  A lecture, a panel, workshops, and an installation of materials remarkably expressed our deep longing to make materials more central to art therapy. We aimed to grant a vast presence and stage to 

Art connectors, adhesives, and accumulations as a prism of the soul in traumatic times.

Art connectors, adhesives, and accumulations as a prism of the soul in traumatic times.

During COVID-19, we witnessed a global phenomenon that stemmed from uncertainty and anxiety. It seemed like an almost reflexive need worldwide to impose order in the home environment: organize the wardrobe, sort books and give up a few, organize the pantry, and consolidate the lentils 

Studio rituals as therapy for art therapists

Studio rituals as therapy for art therapists

In response to the harrowing Pogrom events of October 7, 2023, the Creative Arts Therapies Association of Israel (YAHAT) swiftly established 40 safe studio spaces nationwide for evacuees. Spaces were assembled in hotels, community centers, camping sites, offices, and classrooms. As I write three months 

The Safe Studio in war time, Israel 2023

The Safe Studio in war time, Israel 2023

In response to the horrific Pogrom events of October 7, 2023, the Creative Arts Therapies Association of Israel (YAHAT) has responded by setting up safe studio spaces across the country. Sadly, we are trauma experts – but we have never experienced such a time. Holocaust 

The Open Studio Constitution

The Open Studio Constitution

This text is written as Isreal’s democracy is in great danger, 2023. The text is based on my decades of observations and experience as a studio manager. I have created many in education, art therapy, and as an artist. Since the 70ies, when I began 

Explore V Show

Explore V Show

What is the fine line between intervention and assistance? Like a plant drawn to the sun, humans flourish where there is acceptance and permission to be who they are. I believe this is our fundamental intention as educators, parents, therapists, and friends. We try to 

Two stories: what should I create now?

Two stories: what should I create now?

A toddler asks her kindergarten teacher: what should I draw now? What does her question mean? It seems that she needs help and thinks the correct answer is in the world somewhere, not within herself. Her teacher knows what she should do and not her. 

Demanding children to plan their artwork in writing

Demanding children to plan their artwork in writing

An architect plans a home. He creates a rough sketch of his idea, then plans ahead the details. As an adult, he already owns the 3D abilities, imagination, and experience to transform a 2D drawing into a building. He can plan his images.   When