About the blog

About the blog

The Good Enough Studio is a book I have written,  and a library-blog, that assists a study group on Facebook, for all who are using a studio: artists, art educators, and art therapists. You are welcome to join!



I perceive the studio as an extension of the artist, educator and art therapist.

It is my best assistant.

Through our discussions, this container -blog, will hopefully assist you as an art educator, artist or therapist.

We will also discuss documentation and observation, medium suggestions and art provocations based on the Reggio Emilia approach.

You are welcome to ask questions and share your experience and knowledge with others on our Facbook page.

Nona Orbach is an artist, therapist and educator and mentors a large Hebrew speaking group on Facebook, titled Studio Visits. Now we can do it in English!

my recent book, published 2020 is:

The Good Enough Studio: Art Therapy Through the Prism of Space, Matter, and Action 

The Spirit of Matter PDF

Nona Orbach art blog


nona orbach, the good enough studio, book cover