An open studio setting in a kindergarten day 2 – good crayons

An open studio setting in a kindergarten day 2 – good crayons

All Kindergartens have oil pastels. But, not  all materials are good enough.

Why do we need good materials?

Good materials contribute to our concentration and a sense of wonder. A child will immerse longer in a good-quality pigment crayon or pastel. I already told the story of my disappointment from the crayons in my kindergarten. 

When ever I suggested a box of good materials to teenagers, toddlers – it worked like magic.

This morning, I began checking the oil pastel boxes and began taking out the non-good ones. The children were curious.

– Would you like to make a laboratory and learn how to check if your crayons are good?

-Yes! Me too!

I showed them and immediately they delved into the task. They did not make one mistake…

They then suggested they would try it at home as well.





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